Sunday, August 14, 2016

What s hot and what s not on blog services

Although podcasting has definitely surpassed the popularity and usefulness of blogging nowadays, that certainly doesn’t mean blogging is a dying art. Not at all! If you take the time to browse around the Internet, you’ll see the members of popular blog hosting communities are still rapidly growing. If you’re not yet part of this crowd, you better jump on the bandwagon soon to experience the same fun and excitement.

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There are a lot of things to look forward to at WordPress besides the wonderful fact that it’s free to use whether for business or personal purposes. Newbies and advanced users alike will enjoy blogging at WordPress with the many features available for use such as entry previews, blog categories, and blog rolls.

Thumbs-Ups: You can add plug-ins and customize your blog layout. WordPress also provides constant updates for their users.

Thumbs-Down: A bit of software knowledge is, however, required for users to properly install WordPress. If you have enabled commenting in your site, don’t be surprised to find that more than a few spammers are developing a habit of dropping by your site.

Fire up at FeedBurner Do you think your blog is worth broadcasting? If so, you should consider moving from your old blog community to FeedBurner. In this website, they won’t just help you create content, they’ll spread around the word about your blog as well. Is it really worth placing an AdSense banner on your blog? Get your Free $97 Adsense Secret Ebook on Adsense Tips today.

Thumbs-Ups: With the standard free package, FeedBurner allows you to set up the configuration for your blog for easy posting and even use an RSS subscription button to automatically update the readers of your blog. The website also lets you know the average number of visits your blog has per day with the FeedBurner hit counter and other traffic statistics. You can earn money on the sideline from blogging at FeedBurner because the website permits you to use Google Ads in your blog.

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