Monday, May 23, 2016

Play better golf - strengthen your rotator cuff

Many golfers are not aware of the rotator cuff and its function in golf. This group of muscles around the shoulder is crucial to the golf swing. Not surprisingly, the shoulder is one of the areas most often affected by the golf swing. Many golfers fall prey to strain and injury in this area.

Since most golfers don’t realize the importance of the rotator cuff area, they don’t do any conditioning to strengthen and help prevent injury. By using a golf fitness routine that includes strength and flexibility exercises, many problems with the rotator cuff can not only be improved but prevented as well. Increasing flexibility and strengthening these muscles, will help to increase power and control in your swing.

The rotator cuff is the area of the shoulder that is a supporting and strengthening structure of the shoulder joint. It is made up of the capsule of the shoulder joint blended with tendons and muscles as they pass to the capsule or across it to insert on the head of the humerus, the bone of the arm. Golf can result in what is known as a repetitive strain injury to the rotator cuff. Repeated movement of the shoulder causes it. The sheaths that cover the muscle tendons can swell and press on the nerves causing pain. Tendonitis, bursitis, and tears in the rotator cuff are common injuries for golfers.

To improve your power and control of your golf swing as well as prevent injury, it is a good idea to do regular stretches and exercises designed specifically for the rotator cuff.

This conditioning should be done on a regular basis both before play and in between rounds. It is especially important to warm up the rotator cuff area before exercise. This helps to increase blood flow to the deeper muscles and prepares them for activity.

One simple way to warm up is by holding the arms at should level. Do at least 20 circles with both arms. The next step should be stretching exercises to help reduce tension in these muscles. Three areas should be stretched: the back, the front and the under side of the rotator cuff. Once the stretches have been completed, exercises to strengthen these muscles should be performed. After exercise, golf practice or rounds, be sure to cool down these muscles with stretching.

By simply practicing a few stretches and exercises, you’ll not only help to prevent injuries, you’ll see a more powerful and controlled golf swing.

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